Latest COVID Quarantine Regulation Updates

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The Government of Belize announced the following COVID quarantine regulation updates for Belize in a press conference on January 29, 2021.

Government Press Office

Today, Hon. Michel Chebat, the Minister of Health and Wellness, lead a joint press conference with Hon. Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs and New Growth Industries, to announce the lifting and adjustments of specific COVID-19 regulations.

The updated COVID-19 regulations, approved by Cabinet, will become effective February 1,2021, for 30 days.

The adjustments are as follows:

  1. Lifting of the current inter-district travel restrictions for Corozal and Orange Walk districts. This lift will be revisited if necessary to limit the spread of COVID-19.
  2. Curfew has been readjusted and is now from 10 pm to 5 am for adults. The curfew for minors remains the same from 6 pm to 5 am.
  3. Gymnasiums are allowed to open with not more than 50% capacity per hour and must operate by appointments only. The gyms must have proper ventilation, mandatory cleaning after use of each machine, and ensure proper logging and temperature monitoring of users.
  4. Churches are allowed to have service with up to 50% capacity. Services should not exceed one hour.
  5. Food vendors are allowed to operate in public spaces and must comply with health and COVID-19 protocols, including having markers to indicate six feet physical distancing.

Also present at the press conference was Ms. Elisa Montalvo, Solicitor General in the Attorney General’s Ministry, who provided additional details on the new measures.

A detailed electronic copy of the Statutory Instrument will be shared when gazetted.

The Ministry of Health and Wellness informs the public of its upcoming

Vaccine Education Campaign as well as its Expanded Rapid Testing Campaign in efforts to reach out to high-risk institutions and businesses. The Ministry’s officials will be conducting door-to-door rapid testing and emphasizing COVID-19 prevention measures.

Additionally, the Ministry urges the public to continue to wear a face mask properly in public, maintain consistent physical distancing, avoid social gatherings, and wash and sanitize hands often. Stay at home unless conducting essential business.

The Ministry of Health and Wellness reiterates its message,

“Do not let our guards down. Let us join forces in the fight against COVID-19.”

COVID requirement belize face mask


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