Don’t Miss The Latest Belize COVID-19 Update

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Belize COVID-19 Update

In a press conference this morning, the Government of Belize announced the following update regarding temporary COVID-19 regulations, effective December 20, 2020.

The new Statutory Instrument (SI) has not yet been published, but Belize Channel 7 News shared the following summary. We expect the following restrictions to be in place for the next two to three weeks, but that’s only a guess at this point. We will update this post as soon as the official SI has been published to confirm the duration of these restrictions.

UPDATE:  SI 175 of 2020 has been published with no indication of how long these restrictions will be in place. Also, we added a few points regarding airport entry below.

If you are interested in reading the document, you can find SI 175 HERE.

The Following Points Will Affect Your Vacation

If your plan is to visit Caye Caulker over the Holidays, please be aware of the following restrictions;

  • A curfew will be in place from 8pm to 5am for adults, and 6pm to 5am for minors 16 and younger.
  • No alcohol can be sold between the hours of 6pm to 7am.
  • Public transportation such as busses and water taxis can only carry 50% capacity, and must continue to sanitize and implement facemask protocols.
  • Facemasks must continued to be worn with the exception of those who are a) on a private residence b) driving alone or c) driving with members of your household. There is now a $500 fine across the board for those who are caught without a mask. Businesses can also be fined if they allow customers into their establishments without masks.
  • A distance of 6 feet must continue to be maintained at all times.
  • No private gatherings are allowed. Households may have visitors, as long as the number of persons at the household at any one time does not exceed ten. There is now a hotline in place to report households hosting private gatherings.
  • Restaurants can be opened for take-out and those that have open air seating can provide dine-ins but customers must make a reservation, and can only seat 50% of their capacity. *Most all restaurants on Caye Caulker are open-air, so just check our Restaurant Directory for contact info to make a reservation!
  • No more than 10 persons inside churches for mass, weddings, and funerals.
  • Bars, nightclubs, gyms and gaming establishments remain closed. 
  • Spas, beauty salons, and barbershops can only have two customers inside, except in the case of a small building, where they will only be allowed one. Customers must make appointments.
  • Establishments can only reach 50% capacity of persons inside, including customers and staff members. A distance of 6 feet must be maintained outside the business as well, and visible markers must be placed.
  • Travel to your Gold Standard Hotel has to be pre-planned. *Ask your host or hotel to help you, if you have any questions.

Airport Entry - Update SI 175

Tourism Gold Standard Accommodations

(a) reserve or book your stay at a Tourism Gold Standard approved hotel or tourist accommodation; and

(b) make arrangements with the hotel or tourist accommodation at which he is staying to be transported to that hotel or tourist accommodation by any means of transportation provided by that hotel or tourist accommodation or by any other means of transportation authorized by the Belize Tourism Board.

Be able to show documentation, such as booking confirmation.

Health App

(a) download the app on an electronic device; and

(b) input the information required by the app.

(c) ensure that all information input into the app is true and accurate; and

(d) comply with all terms and conditions for use of the app.

(e) ensure that the app remains downloaded on your mobile device for the duration of his stay in Belize; and

(f) keep your mobile device with them at all times.

PCR Test

Requirement to submit to testing upon arrival at the airport or provide–

(a) a PCR test taken within 96 hours prior to arrival in Belize; or

(b) any other test for SARS-CoV2 approved by the Ministry responsible for health, taken within 48 hours prior to arrival in Belize.

Some Additional Points For Residents And Business Owners

  • For bigger department stores and the like, JP’s will be assigned to ensure quarantine regulations are kept within the store. Business Owners will be expected to carry the cost of the JP’s.
  • In the case of BPO’s, all employees must adhere to social distancing and face mask regulations, hand wash stations must be in and outside of the establishment, no more than two people at any one dining tablet, and the lunch rooms must only hold 50% capacity.
  • Businesses will need to employ a COVID-19 internal auditor to provide weekly reports to the Ministry of Health and Wellness. The Ministry will provide guidelines on what information the reports will contain.
  • Non-essential businesses are expected to put their employees on a shift system. Non-essential workers are also expected to be able to work from home.
  • Businesses that don’t comply can be fined $5,000, with employees being fined $200, and there is also the risk of the business being forced to shut down.
  • Inter and inner district travel will be restricted for the Corozal and Orange Walk Districts (does not apply to tourists).
  • Contact sports are still disallowed.

*Of note, essential services are those that fall under health, tourism, banking, law enforcement, agriculture, and food.


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