Belize Info
COVID-19 Belize Safety Measures and Updates
UPDATE - JULY 12, 2022
The Government of Belize has decided to remove all public health measures at the points of entry in Belize (land and sea).
With the updated regulations coming into effect, the following changes have been implemented for persons traveling to Belize:
- Belize Travel Insurance: Purchase of the insurance is now optional for entry but encouraged for protection against incurred medical and non-medical emergency expenses. For more information visit and
- Vaccination and Testing: Proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test is no longer required upon arrival and for entry into Belize at all official border points (land and sea).
As of April 1, 2022, Belize lifts all COVID restrictions within the country!
- Masks no longer mandated
- Gathering size no longer restricted
- No mandated curfew
- Bars & casinos allowed to reopen
The only restrictions still in place —
- Visitors, age 5 and over, must present proof of vaccination or negative COVID test
- Belizeans traveling abroad must be vaccinated
We are waiting for a response from the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) to confirm if the Gold Standard and Health Insurance requirements will remain in place.
We will post the update as soon as we receive an answer from BTB.
Table of Contents
COVID-19 Update - ALL Belize Entry Requirements Removed
Belize is open!
The Government of Belize has decided to remove all public health measures at the points of entry in Belize (land and sea).
Belize Travel Health Insurance - OPTIONAL
July 12, 2022: Belize Travel Insurance: Purchase of the insurance is now optional for entry but encouraged for protection against incurred medical and non-medical emergency expenses.
For more information visit and
The Belize Travel Insurance will be available for purchase online at
It can also be purchased upon arrival at the Philip Goldson International Airport, Santa Elena Border (Northern Border) or the Belize Western Border.
insider tip
Purchasing the insurance at the airport can add an hour or two to your immigration process. So, we recommend purchasing the travel insurance online by visiting
*(Please note that we don’t sell insurance policies. This is a Government of Belize requirement.)

Tourism Gold Standard Accommodations
According to the Belize Tourism Board, “at this time, all tourists should book their stay at a BTB approved hotel.”
Prior to arrival –
(a) reserve or book your stay at a Tourism Gold Standard approved hotel or tourist accommodation; and
(b) make arrangements with the hotel or tourist accommodation at which he is staying to be transported to that hotel or tourist accommodation by any means of transportation provided by that hotel or tourist accommodation or by any other means of transportation authorized by the Belize Tourism Board.
Be able to show documentation, such as booking confirmation.
July 12, 2022 — The Government of Belize has decided to remove all public health measures at the points of entry in Belize (land and sea).
March 1, 2022 — If you’re vaccinated, you no longer need to produce a negative Covid test when entering Belize through the airport or any land or sea border.
You need to show proof of vaccination instead. If you are not vaccinated, a negative Covid test is still required.
Effective August 9th, 2021 all travelers, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, entering Belize from other countries will be required to present a negative COVID-19 test.
All travelers entering Belize at the Philip Goldson International Airport (PGIA) will be required to present a negative Covid-19 PCR test taken within 96 hours of travel or a negative result from any approved Antigen Rapid Test taken within 48 hours of travel. If no test is presented, a COVID-19 test will be administered at the airport for a fee of USD $50 per passenger. Children under the age of 5 years will not be required to present a negative test; but children 5 years and older will be required to present a negative test.
All travelers entering Belize through the Northern and Western Borders will be administered a Rapid Test for COVID-19 by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, at their own expense. No external COVID-19 PCR or Rapid Test will be accepted at these points of entry.
March 1, 2022 — If you’re vaccinated, you no longer need to produce a negative Covid test when entering Belize through the airport or any land or sea border.
You need to show proof of vaccination instead. If you are not vaccinated, a negative Covid test is still required.
The Northern and Western Land Borders are now open.
Unvaccinated travelers entering Belize through the Northern and Western Borders will be administered a Rapid Test for COVID-19 by the Ministry of Health and Wellness, at their own expense. No external COVID-19 PCR or Rapid Test will be accepted at these points of entry.
- All persons may be subject to COVID-19 testing upon arrival at the land border, at their own expense ($50 USD per test).
- Any person testing positive for COVID-19 at the land border shall be denied entry. This may include their travelling party or close contacts.
The two land borders will be open only during the time of
- 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM (Belize Time) from Monday to Friday, and
- 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday.
During this phase, Foreign Tourists wishing to enter Belize via the two indicated land border points should note the following requirements:
- Only Foreign Tourists entering Belize for Vacation and Recreational Purposes, for more than one day, will be eligible for entry.
- Foreign Tourists may need to show proof of booking at a Belize Tourism Board Gold Standard Certified Hotel or Accommodation.
- Foreign Tourists are permitted to enter with their own private vehicles and utilize their personal transportation for travel within Belize.
- It is recommended that Foreign Tourists utilize certified Gold Standard transport operators.
Belize Tourism Gold Standard Accommodations Listings
To keep visitors and residents safe, the Belize Tourism Board has created an extensive “Tourism Gold Standard Recognition Program” as part of its phased reopening plan. This 9-point program includes new guidelines and operating protocols for the tourism industry.
A Gold Standard entity is one that has thoroughly followed the new safety procedures and has the guests’ safety as their utmost priority.
The program currently includes accommodations and tour operators. However, now also stand-alone restaurants, gift shops, tourism sites and approved transport can be certified, deeming them safe for visitors who choose Belize as their vacation destination. Therefore, we will publish lists of the additional recognized Caye Caulker businesses once certified.
Caye Caulker Tourism Gold Standard Certified Business Listings
We created lists of Caye Caulker Accommodations and Tour Operators who follow the national COVID-19 safety standards.
You can easily find the certified Caye Caulker Hotels and Tour Operators by visiting the links below.
Where to stay in Caye Caulker
Check out the lovely Gold Standard certified cabanas at The Gumbo Limbo for your stay in Caye Caulker!
The Tourism Gold Standard listings are being updated regularly, as the BTB continues to process applications, inspect and approve new businesses for recognition into the Program. Our businesses have all raised the standard of health and safety protocols being implemented, as we welcome back travelers to Caye Caulker, Belize.
International Flights To Belize

covid test options (Rapid & PCR Tests)
Rapid & PCR Tests In Caye Caulker Before Returning Home

Dr. D offers the COVID-19 Rapid Test!
If you’re home country requires a COVID-19 test before you return, you can make an appointment at Dr. D’s Clinic in a safe, professional environment!
Rapid Test: $75 US / $150 BZ
COVID-19 Test Center On Front Street!
Walk-in – no appointment necessary at the test center on Front Street. Closed Mondays!
Rapid and PCR tests (results within 30 minutes) available.
Rapid Test: $75 US / $150 BZ
PCR Test: $250 US / $500 BZ
PCR Test In Belize City Or At The Int'l Airport Before Returning Home

COVID 19 – PCR Test
If you’re home country requires a COVID-19 PCR test before you return, Belize Medical Associates offer a test at their facilities in Belize City or at Philip Goldson International Airport.
The cost is $299 BZD at 5791 St. Thomas Street location
Ph: 223-0302 /223-0303, or
$300 BZD at the Philip Goldson International Airport location, WhatsApp 651-0206
COVID-19 Belize - Phases Of Travel Reopening Plan

Other Resources For Safe Travel To Belize